Job Rotation

美 [dʒoʊb roʊˈteɪʃn]英 [dʒəʊb rəʊˈteɪʃn]
  • 网络工作轮换;岗位轮换;工作轮调;工作轮岗
Job RotationJob Rotation
  1. We have a system of job rotation and sharing among staff .


  2. We use a system of job rotation to keep staff stimulated .


  3. Reflections on the Implementation of Job Rotation System of University Libraries


  4. Job rotation opportunities will be provided for staff with good performance record .


  5. This concept of job rotation lacks the basic ingredient of practical experience .


  6. Job Rotation System : an Effective System for Culturing Librarian 's Multi-Dimensional Skills


  7. A reasonable and effective job rotation system in modern organization plays an active part in career management .


  8. The Necessity to Implement Job Rotation for the Grass-roots Teaching Administrative Personnel in College


  9. Job rotation involves moving people around on a systematic basis in order to broaden their experience .


  10. Second , she or he should establish scientific promotion system and job rotation system to stimulate flow within enterprise ;


  11. If we want to change a job rotation , what will you think ? And will you agree ?


  12. The factors in Macro-level include organization structure , task breakdown , work enlargement , work enrichment and job rotation .


  13. It embodies in a single flow method , and more job rotation , error proofing , continuous improvement and other lean methods .


  14. Probe into Job Rotation System in University Library & Taking the Job Rotation of Newspapers and Periodicals Section of Dongguan Library as the Example


  15. Based on the relationship between job rotation and knowledge transfer , it explored how to manage the process of job rotation for knowledge transfer and discussed problems in implementing job rotation .


  16. Job-satisfaction had a significantly negative correlation with job rotation and quiting intention , and negatively predicted both job rotation and job-quiting intention .


  17. Perceived organizational support had a significantly negative correlation with job rotation and job-quitting intention , and only job-quitting intention was negatively predicted by POS.


  18. The reform to the personnel system was deepened , with the introduction of examinations in recruitment for public service , competition for positions , job rotation , personnel exchanges and training programs .


  19. This essay mainly summarizes applications of job rotation to the definition of the career anchor and career path design , and puts forward and basis theorem reasonable measures of job rotation to develop career management .


  20. The main technology and tools include : training , job training , job rotation , staff continuing education programs , counseling , discipline .


  21. Despite good job prospects some find job rotation detailed and boring .
